
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Entry

No one looks at this blog YET but I am sure someone will find it of interest eventually. So right now my immediate goals are to make 2 new big boobbhas and 20 tiny ones, affix one I have to the base and send it off to Thom and send Cheryl hers for G-ds sake finally. I am going to need Steve to make me 2 more bases.

I am planning to send tiny Boobbhas around to a few galleries as my emissaries. I am looking at Seattle, California, Las Vegas... I think that's it for this go around. If you know of a suitable gallery by all means, let me know. The remainder shall be listed on Etsy and maybe another facebook drawing... I don't know.

I am really wanting to get around to making a large female figure to cast and do another impressionist series. That is what I'm looking forward to. Maybe next month. I have to do this wave of Boobbhas right now cause it is time for her to rise.... again!?!?!